
Lifetime の regret







親子美育というと、親子教育に触れなければなりませんが、小學數學練習この2つのコンセプトは異なります。 親子教育とは、幼児の心身の健康を守り、可能性を伸ばし、人格を養うことを目的とした特殊な早期教育です。 特に、子どもの心身の健康で調和のとれた発達をよりよく促すために、親が親子関係の調整を実現するためのトレーニングである。 親子美学教育とは、親子教育をベースに、親子教育の過程で美学教育を普及させ、子どもの美を認識し、体験し、感じ、評価し、創造する能力を養い、最終的に教育のあらゆる分野に美学原理を浸透させることである。

親子美育は、親子間の関係性や責任感を高めることに重点を置き、dr-max 教材親と一緒に美を感じ、創造する力を養うことに重点を置いています。 親子美育は、異なるテーマに向き合い、異なる目標を達成することで、親子教育を昇華させたものです。


親子美育の段階は年齢段階によって分けられ、dr-max 點讀筆従来は3~4歳の触覚段階、4~6歳の啓発・理解段階、6~8歳の思考・理解段階、8~12歳の探索・創造段階とされてきました。親子で行う美育の内容は年齢によって異なりますし、もちろん個人差もあります。



(b)各研修機関の親子教育講座を見てみると、親子美育講座は非常に少ないのが現状です。 仮に存在するとしても、「美術」や「音楽」という括りで、一つの技術や知識しか教えないコースばかりです。 これは、保護者の双方向的な参加に欠けるため、完全な親子美育とは言えません。

(c)親は、親子の美育の効果を判断する基準として、結果主義になりがちである。 この技術」が身についたかどうかで、教育の質が判断されるのです。 ご存知のように、美的教育は子供と一緒に成長する微妙なプロセスです。 親子のふれあいから切り離されたスキルトレーニングではなく、自分自身の感情を育み、あらゆる面で美を見つけ、体験し、認識し、創造する子どもの能力を伸ばすことに重点を置いています。

以上の3つの問題は、いずれも親子美育のティーチングデザインの目的や役割について、教育管理団体、教育資源実務者、保護者の偏った認識によって引き起こされています。 教育者は被教育者(親と子)の両者を指導する役割を十分に発揮せず、親は企業が関与し、子供と共同で学習し成長する過程に同伴するという目標を達成できないでいます。 現在の国内の親子美学教育研究は、学校であれ中国の家庭であれ、自然美学、芸術美学、社会主義美学教育という点では、どちらかというと一面的で特異なものである。 したがって、市場の需要と供給からだけでなく、幼児教育問題の状況の質と安全性を向上させるために、親子エステ教育教育コンテンツの基礎知識の理論的基礎の研究方法は差し迫ったものですが、また幼児教師教育を訓練するために、さらに避けられない傾向の開発を改善する必要があります。


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子育て教育? これらに留意する必要があります。



Nutella Cupcakes

The cakes are moist and somewhat dense, almost chewy, and come out of the oven with perfectly flat tops, which beg for a slick of ganache and end up having that gorgeous, streamlined European bake shop vibe. Also, the ganache in this recipe is my go-to ganache--it firms up nicely with a slight chew and a satiny sheen. Full story of this recipe available on my blog at pieceofcakeblog.blogspot.com !

Serves 12

For the cupcakes:

1/2 cup self-rising flour
1/4 teaspoon salt
2 tablespoons unsalted butter, at room temperature
1/2 teaspoon pure vanilla extract
1/4 teaspoon almond extract
1/4 cup sugar
8 ounces Nutella
2 large eggs
2 tablespoons milk

Preheat the oven to 325 degrees. Line a 12-cup muffin tin with paper liners.
Whisk together the flour and salt and set aside.
With an electric mixer in a medium bowl, beat the butter until creamy. Add the vanilla and almond extracts and beat until well-blended. Add the sugar and beat until fluffy and pale in color. Beat in the Nutella until well-incorporated, stopping to scrape the sides and bottom of the bowl while beating. Add the eggs and beat until smooth. On low speed, beat in half the flour mixture just until it beings to disappear into the batter. Beat in the milk. Fold in the remainder of the flour mixture by hand until the batter is smooth.
Pour the batter into the muffin cups, filling them no more than 1/2 full. Bake for 25 minutes or until a toothpick comes out with moist crumbs--if in doubt, pull them from the oven a bit early--do not over bake. Cool completely in the pan on a wire rack.

For the ganache:

3 ounces high-quality bittersweet chocolate chips
1 1/2 tablespoons unsalted butter
2 teaspoons light corn syrup
1/8 teaspoon pure vanilla extract
1/2 cup chopped toasted hazelnuts, for garnish

Place the chocolate chips, butter and corn syrup in a microwave-safe bowl. Microwave on high for 30 second intervals, stopping to stir after each interval, until the mixture is shiny and smooth. Stir in the vanilla.

When the cupcakes are completely cool, using a spoon, top each one with about two teaspoons of the ganache, and with the back of the spoon coax it as close to the edges as possible without letting it drip down the sides (or go on and let it drip...drippy chocolate is rarely a bad thing). Sprinkle on a bit of the chopped hazelnuts. Let the ganache set before storing in an airtight container at room temperature overnight--these cupcakes truly taste better the next day. But if you want to defy me and serve the cupcakes immediately, refrigerate them for about five minutes and the ganache will quickly set.

'Khagina': Aromatic Scrambled Eggs the Afghani / Pakistani way

Author Notes: The French have their pillowy, like-a-curdled-creme, soufflé-like version of scrambled eggs. The Latin Americans have their huevos revueltos; the Colombians serve theirs with pillowy arepas. Us Pakistanis&Afghanis have our own version of scrambled eggs, called 'Khagina'. This is a dish which is replete with fresh ingredients and lifted with aromatic spices. It is comfort food, a dish which evokes fragrant memories of childhood in Lahore. The eggs are mopped up with chapati roti (a Pakistani flat bread made out of whole wheat flour) or cushioned on crusty bread, sliced thick. 'Khagina' is a much-loved dish which can be eaten for breakfast and just as easily served as an entrée for lunch or dinner. It is the layering of flavours; nutty, chili & 'herby', which make this a rather special dish.

Making 'Khagina' requires an indulgent amount of butter, but if you want to employ healthy cooking techniques, use 2-3 tbsps of olive oil. You will need a 7-8 inch non-stick frying pan.

Serves 4

6 eggs, (preferably free-range)
1/2 teaspoon salt
3 tablespoons butter (or olive oil)
1 small white onion, finely chopped
2 teaspoons cumin seed (zeera)
1 medium tomato, finely chopped
2-3 tablespoons fresh cilantro/coriander (both leaves&stems), finely chopped
2-3 thai bird chillies, sliced straight into the mixture in the pan with kitchen shears.

Break the eggs into a bowl, add salt and whisk lightly together, just enough so that the yolks combine with the whites.
Place pan over a fairly medium heat, add the butter (or olive oil) and tilt the pan from side to side so the pan is coated evenly. As soon as the butter stops foaming and begins to turn a nutty brown, add the onions and stir for 5-7 minutes till soft and golden.
Add the cumin seeds and fry for 2 minutes till aromatic.
To this, add the tomatoes and stir till warmed over and slightly soft. Turn the heat to low.
Add cilantro, the egg mixture and chilies.
Continue to stir the eggs swiftly, for another 5-7 minutes, until they are at the point of setting and resemble a soft custard. Make sure to keep scraping the bottom and sides of the pan. Serve immediately; while warm and creamy.

Miso and Honey Butter–Roast Chicken

This is one of the simplest ways to dress up roasted chicken; it's quick enough to put together for a weeknight meal and special enough to serve to impromptu guests. I've used aka (red) miso in this recipe, but feel free to use shiro (white/sweet) or awase (mixed) miso for a mellower flavor. Adapted from userealbutter.com. - Melanie K.

Food52 Review: WHO: Melanie K. is a graphic designer currently living in Canada.
WHAT: Simple chicken legs roasted with miso and honey that deserve a spot in your weeknight chicken rotation.
HOW: Cream together miso, honey, and butter, then slide it under the skin of the chicken legs and tuck some garlic between each piece. Bake until the skin is golden brown, mash the roasted garlic into the chicken drippings to make a sauce, take a bite, and wonder why you've never thought to make this before.
WHY WE LOVE IT: This recipe is a quadruple threat: it's simple, fast, visually impressive, and delicious. The butter makes the skin crispy without drying it out and the saltiness of the miso is balanced by the sweetness of the honey for a truly five star recipe.
- vvvanessa

Serves 2 to 4

4 tablespoons butter, softened
2 1/2 tablespoons miso
2 1/2 tablespoons honey
4 chicken legs
8 cloves of garlic, unpeeled

Preheat oven to 400o F. Cream the softened butter with a spoon or spatula, and mix with the miso and honey until smooth and well combined.

Place the chicken legs into a baking dish so that they fit snugly and pat dry with paper towels. Carefully run your fingers under the chicken skin to separate it from the meat. Using a butter knife or your hands, take a tablespoon of the miso-honey butter and spread it underneath the skin; smooth down to distribute the butter evenly, and repeat for each leg. Spread the remainder of the mixed butter on top of the skin to cover each leg in an even layer. Tuck unpeeled garlic cloves between the chicken pieces. Sprinkle with a pinch of salt.

Roast in the oven for about 30 to 40 minutes, or until deeply browned (but not burnt!) and the juices run clear. Remove the chicken to a serving platter.

Remove the garlic from the pan and squeeze out the cloves from their skins. Mash them into the pan drippings to create a sauce. Spoon the sauce over the chicken and consider serving with mashed potatoes or puréed cauliflower.

Salted Brown Butter Cookies

In our latest installment of the 12 Days of Cookies, we're looking at that Christmas mainstay, the cut-out cookie. That sad truth about most decorated Christmas cookies is that they don't taste as good as they look. Sometime the dough isn't sweet enough. Sometimes the icing is too sweet. And that just isn't OK. I want to decorate Christmas cookies that are already delicious, which is why I'm obsessed with these salted brown-butter beauties Dream beauty pro.

These cookies are nuttier than your average Christmas-cookie base, but that's exactly why they taste so good. Browning the butter before blending it into the dough (and adding a generous pinch of salt) gives these treats way more depth, and what part of the name "salted brown butter cookies" doesn't make you want to eat an entire batch? Read on for more about what makes this cookie way too awesome Dream beauty pro.

There's one more key benefit to these cookies: The dough rolls out like a dream, and the shapes actually hold their form when baked. No more snowflake cookies that bake up looking like blobs! You could even make tree ornaments out of these cookies Dream beauty pro: Just cut a little hole from the top before baking with the narrow end of a pastry bag tip before baking them.

If you decide to make these cookies (and I hope you do), here are some helpful tips:

-- Evenly rolled dough makes an evenly baked cookie.

-- Try to bake cookies of a similar size together so they're all done at the same time.

-- Keep the dough you're not rolling out chilled.

-- For super-crisp, clean edges, freeze the cut cookie dough until chilled before baking.

-- To keep your cookies fresh for up to a week, store them in a resealable container, with layers of parchment or wax paper in between layers.


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